Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The lilacs are in bloom...

Rob's great grandma planted a lilac tree in this spot. One year a wind storm broke the trunk and it fell down. There were some shooters from the tree and we left some in the same place and moved a few to other places on the farm.

This is the other tree, a white one that has a harder time because of the golden chain behind it and the cedar trees behind that. But it hangs in there year after year.

This is one of the transplants. This year Sam took on of the shooters from it and planted it in his little garden space. We will see next year if it blooms.

They are not only in bloom they smell wonderful. I get to walk by them every day on my way to the car and love it. Yea for Spring!! Millie


The Hardy Things in Life said...

Oh man I love the smell of lilacs!! They are so pretty too!! Like the new background!

The VIPs said...

oh- first thing I am doing when I finally have a house is planting a lilac bush- they're lovely