Sunday, May 30, 2010

A proud mother moment.....

Today I watched my three boys administer the sacrament. Sam blessed, David prepared (and passed because we did not have enough deacons today) and Isaac passed the sacrament. I was so proud of my boys. This is the only time we will have a priest, teacher and deacon at the same time. It was a tissue moment for mom.

I know what you are thinking, I must be beating the girls off with a stick. And believe me, I have a BIG stick!! Just a warning! Millie


Hannah said...


The Henriksons said...

You and me both girlie!! Mom

Mandi@TidbitsfromtheTremaynes said...

Um kay totally cute picture! Thanks so much for the comment you left me last week during my inane pity party. It was so sweet of you to drop me a line.