Saturday, June 12, 2010

Why Luke and Rob are my heroes or Millie's big adventure.

Luke was our little surprise! We had a beautiful daughter and three wonderful little boys. We just knew we were done. (And I could not face doing the fertility thing again.) So imagine our surprise when the nausea began and the doctor said we were pregnant! I felt sure he was wrong and it was a tumor or something. But no it was our little Luke.

And let me tell you why yesterday I was once again so glad Heavenly Father let us have Luke in our home. At about 7:15 am I went into our downstairs bathroom. And soon found out I was locked in. The door knob was not working and I was stuck in the bathroom. Fortunately Luke got himself up for school and came looking for me. When he found I was unable to get out of the bathroom he proceeded to try and open the door from the other side with the key. But to no avail.

He then got my cell phone out of my purse, sitted himself down outside the bathroom and proceeded to call his dad, repeatedly, for Rob was driving and not answering his phone. He also tried to call Sam whose phone had died and so he was not answering. But he did not give up. He dialed until Dad finally answered and explained the situation. The first time the connection was cut off and Luke said, "Great! Dad hung up on me!" Finally he got through to his Dad and Rob said he was on his way home to save the day. So then Luke got himself dressed and ready to go to school. He fixed his breakfast, (okay it was a pop tart but he had to use the toaster which can be a little tempermental) and found his shoes and put them on. Got his backpack and coat and watched for the bus. When the bus went by he said "Don't worry mom, Dad is on his way and will be here real soon." He pushed some pop tart under the door and ran out to catch the bus on its way back down the road.

What was I doing meanwhile in the bathroom you ask? Well I cleaned off this window and washed all the bottles. (It was really needed).

I took every thing off this little shelf and washed them and the shelf and put it all back together.

I cleaned off the counter top and washed all the things on it. Hairspray tends to go every where and make every thing sticky and collectors of dust.

I also cleaned out under here. Believe me it was worse when I started. Then Rob arrived. He tried to get the door knob off. They are about 35 years old and have no screws or visible means of removing them. Finally he said we needed to take the door off the hinges which were on my side of the door. I tried using a curling iron but to no avail.

Then Rob passed me this wrench under the door. Now these pins had been in the door for 35 years and were not eager to be removed. But I kept working on them and finally got the middle one and the bottom one out. I had to stand on a enamel pan I keep in the bathroom for tub toys to reach the top one (thanks Renny!! He bought me the pan when we were in Twin Falls riding around on Maudie and Rick's scooters. We stopped to do some garage saleing!)

Even with the pins out the door did not willingly come off. Rob had to do like they do in the movies or tv shows and run into the door. On the second hit it came off!!

So, at 9:00 am I was out of the bathroom. And now the door sits in the hallway until we can get the door knob off.

The only real problem is if you need to use this bathroom!! You just have to let everyone know you are going in and not to come in on you!!

I am so glad Luke was home and this did not happen an hour later after he was gone. Or I would have spent the day in the bathroom until Isaac got home at 2:40. If I would have had to stay in the bathroom I could have taken a bath and fixed my hair and put on my makeup. I could have scrubbed the grout in the tiles and washed down the walls. I could have touched up the paint with a tooth brush or cotton ball. I could have curled up on the rug and used a towel for a blanket. But I am glad I did not have to stay the day in the bathroom!! Thanks to Luke and Rob my two heroes. (Those of you who have know us for a while will remember a similar episode when Rob and I got locked in the library. Same type of knob. We worked and worked to get it off and finally had to remove the door. Our wonderful children came running in and said we knew you would get out. We just said a prayer! Luke and I did pray and then his dad answered the phone!) Millie


Hannah said...

oh man! haha I absolutely LOVE this! And I love that Luke made sure you had food to eat :) And I remember when you and Dad were locked in the Library...good times haha. LOVE YOU!!!

MaudieV said...

This is such a beautiful story in so many ways!! Thanks for sharing.

The Hardy Things in Life said...

Oh man!! What a great story! Love it! I do have to admit I was laughing a little bit!! But yeah for Luke getting himself off to school and all!!