So, this week I kind of went a little crazy with the groceries! We have been kind of bare cupboard for a few weeks and now they are not bare! I hit Safeway and Albertsons and got these groceries for $74.00. I wish it was less but Rob thought I did really well with only 5 coupons! I did do pretty good at Albertsons where I got 20 things for $20 without any coupons from home.
So, I got 16 boxes of cereal, 2bottles of ragu, 3 jars of may, 2 boxes of gogurt, 2 activia 4 packs, 1 fruit by the foot, 7 boxes of gushers, 2 chex mix (for our trip to education week! Yeah!), 4 bags of pizza rolls, 3 bottles of salad dressing, 3 cans of frosting, 3 cake mixes, 6 boxes of pastas, 4 cans of refried beans, and 2 bottles of ALL. I have decided to take the coupon thing more seriously and see what I can do then! Millie
Summer 2018
6 years ago
sweet!! Look at all those goodies!! you are such a bargain shopper!! when do you leave for education week?
We leave on Sunday and are very excited!!
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