Thursday, September 23, 2010

Beach trip day 2....The Tillamook Cheese Factory!!

Once again I have put the last picture first! Here is Luke after our trip to the factory with our bag of spoils! We always make a trip to the factory when we are at cape lookout camping.

Of course it all starts with this....the cows!! When you drive into Tillamook you can smell what makes their cheese so good!! Yes these are actual Tillamook cows! I would not post a picture of fakes.

David showing us how it is done! No this is not a real cow. No real animals were actually used for this demonstration.

Watching how the cheese is weighed and put into its orange packaging. I don't know why this is always fascinating to watch but it is.

And then the time of choices. This is the list of ice cream flavors! My personal favorites are sweet centennial (it has little chocolate 100's and cows in it) and Grandma' cake batter. Oh my gosh, now that is a flavor to die for. My mouth is watering just writing about it.

You put in your order and wait at the counter while they dish up your treat.

Luke wanting to know why if you put your order in first you are the last to get your ice cream? Good question...sorry I don't have an answer for that one. Patience is a virtue?

David and Rob with their cones. Yum!

Millie and Hannah with their cones. I could go with a scoop of grandma's cake batter right now, I don't care that it is not even 9 in the morning.

Isaac and his two scoops of Rocky Road. He does not go in for much variety.

But who cares! It is good and that is what is important.

Luke finally gets his! We have learned a waffle bowl works best for him. A lot less hassle than the cone.

His flavor choices you ask? Chocolate chip cookie dough and of course bubble gum (ugh, why do the little kids always go for the bubble gum flavor. At least this one is a pretty pink and not that nauseating blue). They are not stingy on their scoops! Yeah!

Just like the log picture at the beach you have to have the picture of the kids in front of the cow! And since I am a little uncomfortable with just 4 kids in the picture here a little girl willing to be number 5! (Missing Sam)

Next it is on to cheese sampling. (You can't go wrong with a place that is generous with their ice cream scoops and gives out cheese samples). And yes we did go through to see if the samples were the same on both sides!

In the line.

Actually sampling.

Squeaky cheese!! A must!

Okay, this is the second time through the line. Nice to go on a day with out a big crowd!

Trying to figure out the right setting for the camera for that final picture. Mom says just get in front of the sign and look like you like each other!

Not bad! And now you can skip back to the beginning with Luke on the trip back to the campground and our bag of crackers, squeaky cheese and sausage for a treat! Millie

1 comment:

The Hardy Things in Life said...

looks like so much fun! that is one place we haven't been since living in vancouver!! we need to go!!