Saturday, January 29, 2011

January projects

So, I know it is the end of January and I still have Christmas pictures on my blog. I do not know where January went, but I did do two fun craft projects this month! Very simple ones ( I am slowly easing my way back into the craft thing!).

I made this garland from hats and gloves. Yes I did have this many gloves without a mate in my hat and glove drawer! And yes some of them are way to small for my big boys hands. So the drawer got a cleaning out and I got this cute garland.

The middle hat was sent to Hannah when the in laws were in Sweden. I have wanted to make one of these for a while and finally did and love it.

My second project involved styrofoam balls. I painted them and put faces on them and here they are. I know. I gave some to my friend Carol and she said, "You brought me snowman heads in a bag?" But when we put them in the glass container I knew she had they looked very cute.

I put mine in this jar I kept putting white yogurt covered pretzels in for a winter time decor but they kept getting eaten!! No one has tried to eat my snowman heads!

And I put them in the blue colander.

And here they are all together with some of my blue stuff I put out for January decor. I love them and one of the best things about both these projects.....they cost me nothing. I already had all the stuff just lieing (is that right) around. Yay!! (I have to admit I did not think these cuties up all by myself, I saw them on a blog while blog hopping.)

This is what I have scattered all over my table for my Feb project!! Saw this on a blog also and am excited to make some.

I am also making garlands for Feb and Mar with some old cookie cutters. Love these. Millie

1 comment:

donnaR said...

I can't wait to see your Feb. garland. It looks like fun.