Do I look old enough to have a 21 year old daughter?
I do in this picture!! Hannah turned 21 this week. It is hard for me to believe my little girl is 21 and considered an adult in the eyes of the world. She is still my baby girl. We had waited what seemed like a long time to get her here and it seems like such a short time ago. The day she was born I went to work and the ladies kept telling me it looked like the baby had dropped. I said I did have a back ache. Rob was concerned so he picked me up for lunch and wanted to take me by the hospital to be checked. Just a few days before the doctor told me I would be back in the next week because the baby was not close to coming. I told by supervisor I would need to take my breaks and lunch together to give me enough time to get to the hospital, be checked, and get back to work. I was having contractions but nothing steady. At the hospital they checked me and said I was in labor and told Rob to go and check me into the hospital. I said I could not stay I was on my lunch hour and had to get back to work. The nurse just laughed. Rob had to run home and get my bag. I was even wearing my safety glasses!! I had to call work to tell them I would not be back in. They had planned a surprise shower for me the next day! Hannah was born at 6:55 that evening. There were some complications and her heart beat was dropping so the doctor had to use forceps to get her out. The blue team whisked her away to the nursery and Rob went with her. She was in the baby neonatal unit for 4 days. She got to come home just in time to visit with Grandma Julie!! Now here are a few pictures of the many faces of our Hannah!!
This is us at home enjoying Hawaiin haystacks (Hannah's favorite) in celebration of her birthday even if she could not be with us!!
1 comment:
There is nothing better than a daughter except maybe having two daughters. Loved the post and love Hannah.
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