Sunday, November 15, 2009

My Testimony

Today I had the opportunity to teach in Relief Society. It was on the martyrdom of Joseph Smith. In preparation for today I read a few different accounts of what it was like for the Saints and Joseph at that time. I read a lot about Emma. I don't know how she did it. It made me very proud to be a member of the church. And it made my testimony of Joseph Smith and the things he did for us even stronger. And my feelings for Hyrum Smith and the man and brother he is are over whelming. They were both great men and gave their lives for what they believed in and knew to be true. I want to be like that. I do have a testimony of Joseph Smith and that he was a chosen prophet of God to bring to pass the restoration of the gospel in this dispensation. He saw God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. He translated the Book of Mormon and restored all the priesthood keys that make it possible for us to have temples and be sealed as families for eternity. I am so grateful to Joseph Smith and for all he did so that I can have the blessings of the gospel and the temple in my life. Millie

1 comment:

The Hardy Things in Life said...

thanks for sharing your testimony! You are awesome!