Sunday, March 8, 2009

My Friend Carol

Today is my friend Carol Brown's birthday!! Happy Birthday Carol!! Carol does not let people take her picture. As you can see on her blog, you see all of her family but not Carol. And her profile picture is some ugly eel thing from the Oregon Coast Aquarium!! So I did a search through my pictures and found these!! Every year we have a Halloween party and we take pictures!! And there is one of us in front of the Salt Lake City temple last summer when we took our husbands to education week!! Surprise Carol!!

Carol is a very good friend. She is funny and puts up with me even when I am being caustic!! She is actually my caustic controller and lets me know if I have become so!! We are co-creators of our craft cult held at her house every 2nd Monday and we have book club together at my house every 3rd Friday. If I need someone to help serve at a funeral and just be in charge of the kitchen she shows up with her apron and just does it. She listens when I am tearing out my hair whether it is about my calling or my family or whatever. And she goes to GoodWill with me and digs in the bins!! And we have a great time garage selling (not selling garages, but shopping at them!). I have been Carol's visiting teacher I think since she moved into the ward. She won't let them change us!! I love that about her.

So Happy Birthday Carol and thanks for being my good friend and sister in the gospel!! Millie

PS I do realize that you have some choice pictures of me from camp and I am showing my trust in you that I will not find them on your blog. I believe posting them on Meaghan' s facebook was more than the internet needed!! Millie


MaudieV said...

I love Carol, too. Thanks for sharing her birthday and tell her happy birthday from Maudie.

Carol Brown said...

Would you hurry up and blog some more and get me off your front page and into your archives!!!! It's disturbing! I am having a jenny craig moment! YIKESOLA!