Friday, January 15, 2010

Tired of being first!!

I was talking with my mom about how proud I was of Sam who finally got his Eagle papers in this week and how he would be our first Eagle Scout (a proud mother blog soon to follow!!). She shared with me something Lorna said to her this week. She said she was tired of being first; first to have a baby die, first to have her husband die and now possibly first to have cancer. You see Lorna has had a few health issues lately and spent New Year's Eve in the hospital getting a blood transfusion. Then they ran some test and found a large mass. This last week she has had another transfusion and met with various doctors including an oncologist. After getting a blessing and being remembered in endless prayers, happily she does not have cervical cancer as was the fear. She has a fibroid tumor which they will be removing on the 25th and that should take care of the problems. Lorna has become one of my heroes. She has been through a lot the last few years and has come out on top. She stays positive and just keeps going forward. She has battled through a lot of junk and lost a lot. She is a great mom to her two kids. It is amazing to watch her with Jesse. I am so proud of her. I love ya Lorna Doone!! Millie

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