Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sam's 17th Birthday

On February 12th, Sam turned 17 years old. I can hardly believe it!! Here he is in his pink birthday shirt his friend Kimberly bought him because she did not think he would wear a pink shirt!! But he did and he looked great in it. Sam was born while we were living in Provo. On the morning of the 12th I woke up with a back ache and knew we were going to have a baby that day. I showered and woke up Rob. He said, "What are you doing up so early?" I said, "We are having a baby today and we need to get the dishes done so the kitchen will be clean when your mom gets here"!! While we were washing the dishes(by hand, no dishwasher) the primary president called concerned because I had not shown up to our scheduled presidency meeting, that I totally forgot about. We had arranged for Hannah(then 3) to stay with her friend Chase but they were not home so the primary president (Claudia, a good friend) took Hannah and we were off to the hospital. My doctor was in the hospital when we checked in around noon but the nurses thought we had lots of time so they did not tell him I was there and he left to go snowmobiling with his sons. Sam was born at 4:55 and the doctor returned to the hospital at 5:00. He was not happy with the nurses!! (Looking back, I think it was good for him to spend the afternoon with his kids). The doctor I got that day was busy with a couple of moms. Due to some misunderstanding and the fact that the nurse thought we had plenty of time, I did not receive the requested drugs and Sam was coming!! The nurse told me to hold on and wait for the doctor. I was begging for Rob to just take the baby out!! Rob claims I was kind of loud with my request but I do not remember that being the case. Needless to say when the doctor came into the room and the nurse was nearly delivering the baby things moved quickly and Sam was here!! When we got home on the 14th with Sam, Rob's mom was there cooking in our clean kitchen!! Sam has been a great blessing to our family. He is a good kid and we love him very much. Millie


Hannah said...

I'm glad I finally got to see the pink shirt that sam claims he looks so hot in! haha, he failed to mention that a girl gave it to him! haha, and I'm glad you found the pictures and got them posted. I'm so proud of you!!!! :) Love you!

The VIPs said...

Happy Birthday Sam!!!

The Hardy Things in Life said...

I loved reading about how Sam came into this world, that is just awesome!! Happy Birthday Sam!!